My pattern for March is one from my stash designed by Barb Callahan called Damask Jacket and it has what she calls a swing back and what I call a back peplum. This is yet again a muslin since I've never made this pattern before so I used a piece of cheap fabric from my stash. Not sure what it is but it doesn't seem to stretch even though I thought it might be a knit however I thought the black and white design might be good for spring.
I cut and basted my jacket together yesterday morning after comparing it to my Sure Fit dress kit pattern and am not unhappy with the way it fits although the striped fabric does strange things in the back peplum. I like it enough to keep going through and perhaps wear to the Sew and Quilt Expo in Worcester MA next month so the designer, the teacher of my first class, can see what I did with her in pattern.
I like the back of that, Sue, I look forward to seeing a photo of it completed.