Thursday, June 18, 2015

Another monthly report

I'm still plugging away on the anvil blocks I started working on during the Feb. Drop and Give me Twenty challenge I joined when I was stuck inside this winter, but since I can now wear something other than fleece from head to toe, I've also begun working on a few clothing projects.

First want to share my progress with my anvil quilt, though, since I am 1/4 of the way done with the quilting and binding of each block and think (hope!) it's going to end up being a pretty nice looking quilt, if I ever finish it.

I'm still trying to work on it in 20 minute segments, something that doesn't move things along very quickly, but which seems to work for me now that I've become a much more lazy quilter than I once was, in fact, I also made a Dear Jane block that I began over a dozen years ago recently and could not believe that I once used to make 6 of them each month to exchange with other quilters across the country, something I did from 1997 until 2003! I decided to take a picture of what my old and new approach to quilting projects looks like to show just how much things have changed:

I am also still making clothes, including working on a Little Somethin jacket that a woman from my American Sewing Guild group began and abandoned, but it's still not finished since it needs to be hemmed and to have the front facing sewn in place. I'm fairly happy with the way it fits and feels, though, a definite improvement over the larger, longer Little Somethin I made from some old striped fabric from my stash recently.

My other clothes sewing project in May involved preparing for a Sure Fit Designs demo that I and 5 other members of my ASG group did for the rest of our guild, however the garments I wore that day were made a couple of years ago when I first started working with that system, so they no longer fit as well as they once did, something I should have taken into account before choosing what to wear that day. At least I had a dress and vest made from my SFD patterns to show the people who attended that meeting, though, and they fit a bit better than they look in this photo, but I thought this was a good shot of the demo that I did that day, how to add parts of a commercial pattern (a Sandra Betzina vest) to a Sure Fit Designs pattern in order to create an entirely new design.

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks gorgeous, that is going to be a great looking quilt! I'm proud of you that you continue to work for the 20 minute challenge, as I have lost my way a bit. I hope to really re-group and move along.
