Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Start of the DaGMT (even though it's not yet February!)

I often decide that really simple things "count" as doing something creative, but since I started keeping a journal, I have tried each day to do something to write about, even if it's only reading instructions or a book, watching a how to video, etc., but I guess that does make my sewing projects a bit easier when I finally tackle them since I have a better idea what I am doing.

I did actually do something on my old Civil War repro quilt project on Saturday, though, I cut out enough pieces to make one of the blocks and then marked sewing lines on those pieces since I plan to hand piece some of this block, same as I did the 7 blocks of the quilt that I already completed. Since I think I have 18 more of these blocks to go, I may end up machine sewing them together, esp. since I have other UFOs I want to tackle this year.

I also went through my quilt books this weekend, trying to find the Jinny Beyer book on hand piecing (a very well done book) that I thought I owned and finally found (Quiltmaking by Hand), and I also discovered that the free Jinny Beyer Craftsy Block of the Month for 2015 which I recently signed up for has a great video which shows just how she does her hand piecing, so I did a bit of that on my Civil War block yesterday.

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