Sunday, January 18, 2015

The beginning of the DaGMT project...

Never done two posts in one day, was hard enough doing one a month for the 2014 Make a Garment a Month challenge, but since my first challenge for 2015, the DaGMT, only lasts for one month, I'll have to write here more than once in Feb.!

The first step I have to take in my attempt to finally complete some of my quilt UFOs is to go through my things and make a list of just what needs to be finished, so I brought one of the sweater boxes where I store some of my UFOs (once thought having them out in plain site would help, but that obviously did not work) downstairs from my sewing room and plan to look at it this evening.

From a quick glance, though, I can see that there is part of one of the Craftsy Block of the Month classes I started working on a while ago as well as the fabric and instructions for a repro Block of the Month class that I began in a local quilt shop that no longer exists, and I think there is more under that. Boy, do I ever have my work cut out for me...

1 comment:

  1. Yay Sue! I'm glad you are going to do this drop and give me 20 challenge!!!!! I pledged to do it as well. We can "push" each other a little bit!
